Saturday, June 13, 2015

Doctor Fate and Doctor Strange in: "Salvation in the Sewers!" (Part 1)

The Doctor Strange movie is starting to take shape and more casting has been announced.  With Chewetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo and Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One joining Benedict Cumberbatch's Stephen Strange, there is going to be a lot of acting talent on display and I am looking forward to it.  I hope to hear about Wong and Clea casting soon.

Strange and Fate have crossed paths before - in STF #549 they fought side by side, while in STF #30,  they were at odds with one another.

This story is not over, Tune in tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!


  1. Right as, this one looks amazing. Nice job as always.

  2. Part 2 of "Salvation in the Sewers" -- hmmm, let me guess. Swamp Thing and Ed Norton?

  3. Hey Ross, I really like it when you do 2 parters on the weekend!

  4. Maybe part two will be the Defenders and the JSA versus Plant Man and Solomon Grundy in the sewers?

    Or maybe not.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

    (I do like the idea of a Defenders/JSA team-up, though...)

  5. Tilda Swinton, huh? Well, if she can play an androgynous angel Gabriel in CONSTANTINE, why not the Ancient One for a feature film about Marvel's Master of the Mystic Arts? Although, truth to tell, I think she'd be better cast as the mysterious Magga in a Green Lama flick!

  6. I always thought that if these two ever met the dialog would go something like this:

    Dr. Fate: Don't you think it's STRANGE that we've never met before?
    Dr. Strange: I don't know ... maybe it's FATE.

  7. If DC and Marvel do agree to try another crossover then Fate and Strange would be the logical choices to create a portal between the two universes and...wait... here's a thought. Instead of crossing over into each other's reality they open a portal into our reality where they and everyone else are only known as comic book creations.
