Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Popeye and Superman

Now this is a team up that really should have happened - in animation!  Fleischer Studios was not only responsible for the classic Superman cartoons that inspired Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to create Batman: The Animated Series -  they produced over a hundred Popeye shorts as well.  How cool would it have been to see them pair their two superhuman characters together for a crossover cartoon?


  1. It should have happened in a live action movie as well, with old friends from Julliard Christopher Reeve and Robin Williams teaming up as their respective characters Superman and Popeye.....

  2. Love how you included Supes reading a back issue of STF! You should add a tag for Snoopy and Enemy Ace to this post!

  3. I missed Anon's point. That's a genius touch, Ross.

    I personally might have preferred to have them trade barbers, though -- just on general principles.

  4. They almost DID team up! ;)

    She-Sick Sailors:

    And THIS cartoon has a neat homage to the Fleischer Superman cartoons.

    Nix On Hypnotrix:

  5. I'd like to see you use the cover with Superman eating all the burgers, and Popeye trying to save some for Wimpy! ;)

  6. Gernot - click on Wimpy in the Label above and you will see the Burger Masters Cover featuring Superman, Wimpy and more.

  7. Actually, there was once a Fleischer Popeye cartoon that featured Popeye going up against a super-powered Bluto (as the result of wearing blue tights with a red cape). Along the same line, DC once did a 1970's issue or two, of SUPERMAN, where Kal-El teamed up with a Popeye pastiche called "Captain Strong" (who got super-powered every time he ate a spinach analog from outer space!).

  8. I don't know if I'm referencing the same cartoon as Anonymous above, but there was a Popeye episode where Olive was reading Superman comics and was infatuated with him. Jealous, Popeye dressed up in his own version of the costume and tried to perform various super-feats, with disastrous results. If I remember correctly (it's been more than 4r years since I've seen this cartoon), Olive ends up flying off with the "real" Superman at the end.

  9. @ Raphael:



  10. Looks like Captain Strong is going up against Harley Quinn in Harley Quinn 18 next month!

  11. @my fellow Anon: Was there a catfight between her and Mrs. Strong (the Olive Oyl analog)?
