Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Man-Bat and Gargoyle

When I think of my favorite super-heroes, its interesting how many of them do not fit the standard mold of the square-jawed leading man.  In addition to the two above, some of my personal favorites include Metamorpho, The Thing, The Beast, Swamp-Thing, and Beta-Ray Bill.  While those guys are all certainly heroic, none of them are going to win a beauty contest any time soon.  I think it is probably just that juxtaposition that interested me in those guys in the first place, their monstrous appearances gave them an added depth - and plus they just looked really cool!


  1. I've never really considered Man-Bat a rogue. Considering he was featured in Batman Family and also morphed into a wer-jaguar...

    I would have loved to see Man-Bat along with The Creeper and Ralph Dibney in The Outsiders. What if DC were not able to create new characters, but needed to "recycle" "old" characters - blasphemy, I know. But imagine Batman and The Outsiders, now, with The Demon, Man-Bat, The Creeper as rotating guest stars with Ragman - the book WAS launched out of The Brave and The Bold...

    Is Gargoyle Marvel creature?..

  2. When I read the title, I fully expected the Gargoyle from the animated toon. This is a far better choice.

  3. Yeah, the Gargoyle is a marvel character. He was a member of the Defenders during their later years.

  4. Air Dave is right.

    The Outsiders as a recycled version of, say, the Creature Commandos? Definitely do-able. And, I would even more definitely read such a real-world comic! :-)
