Friday, May 15, 2015

Hawkman and Doctor Who

A team up between the Hawks and The Doctor could be a lot of fun. At first is may seem like an odd combo, but I think it works.  Given the Doctor's frequent time travel and the reincarnation aspect of Katar and Shiera, the story could span several time frames.  They are all no stranger to epic space battles, so I can imagine the tale ending in a blaze of glory with lots of laser blasts and last second rescues.


  1. I'm not sure I by the whole Egyptian Pharaoh reborn as an alien space cop. I did like that Carter and Shiera were reborn as western heroes, though.

    I checked out the first look at DC's Legends of Tomorrow - wow! Hawkgirl looks pretty cool! With "Rory" as Rip Hunter!

  2. I can see the Hawks teaming up with the 4th Doctor against an alliance between, say, the Daleks and Byth.
    After all; the pill that gave Byth metamorphic powers could have been derived from the same formula that allowed the 8th Doctor to turn into the War Doctor!

  3. The Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders) where never the space cops. They were just reborn every few years. the Silver Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl (Katar Hol and Shayera Hol) were the space cop aliens.

  4. Unfortunately, Scott, the two aspects were combined into one, circa thirty years ago, as part of DC's "streamlining" of their comic book universe following the ill-advised CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS (1984-5).*

    *Emphasis on the sarcastic quotes.

  5. You would think that someone traveling through outer space in a box marked "police" would meet space cops more often.

  6. Doesn't Capt. Jack Harkness count as such?

  7. And there's the Judoon, mercenary space cops !

  8. Sorry for the late response. Capt. Jack was a con man when the Doctor met him. He was accidentally made immortal by Rose when she tapped into the Eye of Harmony, but the Doctor was led to believe he was dead and left him behind. He wound up on Earth in the 1800's and joined Torchwood, making him an Earth 'cop' who dealt with aliens. He went back into space only after Torchwood had dissolved. So, he's been a cop and he's been in space but he's never been a 'space cop'.

  9. The Judoon are definitely space cops, but the Doctor doesn't meet them "often". Three times in the series history? Four, maybe?


  11. Actually, the 4th Doctor met a space cop during his rescue of identical twin science prodigies from a race of owl-men working for a megalomaniacal snail-man!
