Friday, May 1, 2015

Dr. Fate and Thor

Alan Davis is an artist that I have followed throughout his career.  I remember being disappointed that my all-time favorite artist Jim Aparo had left art chores on Batman and the Outsiders, and wondering who this new British replacement was.  I quickly learned to love his style as well and made a point to always check out his future endeavors.  his work on JLA: The Nail as well as its sequel and Superboy's Legion is absolutely gorgeous.  I really dug his Fantastic Four run too, I wish he had stayed with that team longer.


  1. You say "Alan Davis" and I hear that moment in Blazing Saddles where they say "Randolph Scott".

    That's an awesome cover.

    Alan Davis' work on Batman and The Outsiders and JLA: The Nail is awesome! I need to go re-read The Nail again, now!

  2. I know you probably hear this about all your covers. But, I really wish there was a real-world comic to go with this cover! The story would probably out-do the Silver Age (Steve Ditko?) tale where Doctor Strange went up against Loki's astral body.

  3. P.S.---How about Hulk/Spectre, next?

  4. been following for years. this is one of my favorites ever, great work!

  5. I remember Alan Davis on Excalibur, which led me to a trade paperback of Captain Britain comics that were great too.

  6. This is definitely another of your best, as well as being a team-up I never realized I really, really want to see.

  7. Would the plural of "anonymous", used as a noun, be "anonymice"?

    Also, cryogenically cool cover.

  8. Awesome cover!

