Monday, February 2, 2015

Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot Join The Avengers

The first Avengers film was all about assembling the team and this summer's Avengers: The Age of Ultron is rumored to end with the team being broken up.  I hope we at least get a few scenes of the team working together effectively before they are torn apart.  Comic movies seem to be obsessed with the beginnings or endings of heroic careers. I'd like to see more superhero films where the protagonists are operating in their prime.


  1. I love the cover, and I agree with your statement of bring out more superhero films with the heroes -- heroic groups, at least -- at the peak of their careers.

    On another topic, looking at this cover suddenly made me want to see Big Guy and Rusty with the Metal Men. I'm not sure why, aside from the MM being robots as well.

  2. Thanks, Bob. Only Rusty is a Robot, Big Guy is secretly a man operating a battle suit. They will definitely return.

  3. Great cover. I think it would be fun to see Big Guy and Rusty with Frankenstein Jr. and Buzz.

  4. ...or the Big Guy with Dr. Venture of the Venture Brothers. (Dr. Venture used to be a boy adventurer named Rusty and the running gag is that he hasn't aged well.)

  5. Cap's Kooky Quartet were the prime (of the 1960's, anyway)!

  6. Yeah, I had that impression (re: Big Guy) even though I'm unfamiliar with the characters. Something in my mind was drawing a parallel between him and Will Magnus. I really have no idea why, though.

    On the other hand, either of those two teams would be an interesting mix with the MF Enterprises Captain Marvel. :)
