Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Flash and The Shadow

I have enjoyed The Shadow's appearance in various comic books, and I like the Alec Baldwin movie version, even if it is a bit cheesy in retrospect.  For me, though, The Shadow made the biggest impact with his classic radio series.  I remember my father would bring cassette tapes with The Shadow, Mystery Theater and X Minus One on camping trips and I would listen to them in my sleeping bag.  Those were a lot of fun and always got my imagination going.


  1. I know that Flash image. Alex Ross's variation of the Flash Comics #1 cover. Used for Overstreet's Comic Book Price Guide.

  2. I am a big fan both The Shadow and The Justice Society, so really loved todays cover.
    Also had another team-up idea to pitch your way... what about Frank Castle (The Punisher) and Richard Castle from the tv show Castle?? Are they perhaps related??
    Later...... jak-el

  3. I've gotten that one a few times... are there Castle comics?

  4. There are Castle comics from Marvel... but they're based on the character's Derrick Storm novels

  5. How about a smallville/Buffy crossover.

  6. Watching Arrow and they kept calling Deathstroke "Mr Wilson" when he appeared in Starling City. So my suggestion would be Deathstroke vs Dennis the Menace.

  7. You can download a lot of old Shadow radio episodes as MP3s here.

  8. @Brad Mengel: You could throw in The Falcon while you're at it.

  9. Good thought pblfsda we might as well add in Deadpool, Ravenger and Jericho male it a full on Wilson Family reunion.

  10. You know that Jack London wrote a science fiction story called "The Shadow and the Flash" about rival inventors trying to perfect invisibility, right?

  11. Excellent depiction! :-D

    It makes me wish these two could team up for real. Like, say, against Per Degaton or Vandal Savage.
