Friday, October 24, 2014

Shogun Warriors and ROM

I never did have a ROM action figure growing up, but my brothers and I definitely had some Shogun Warriors, and I fondly remember them. I used to love how they had spring loaded action which you could use to shoot off their fists, we would have some fun battles.  They weren't as sturdily designed as my Micronauts toys, but they made up for it with their impressive size. God times, good times.


  1. I had a Shogun Warrıor. I don't remember hıs name but he was the one that you could shoot hıs fıst and also small mıssles from hıs (chest?) I thınk. Of course I lost all 6 mıssles wıthın a month.

  2. That would make a fun movie. Better than Transformers films.

  3. The Marvel Comics adventures of Rom and the Shogun Warriors, during the Eighties, lasted longer than the Hasbro toy lines.


  4. I actually rather liked the Shogun Warriors comic book. I guess it had to be something about Doug Moench's writing, because I was never very excited by Herb Trimpe's artwork. Rom, on the other hand, never really interested me.
