Monday, October 27, 2014

Kermit the Frog and Throg

I was born at the perfect time for The Muppet Show.  I grew up with Kermit on Sesame Street and as I outgrew that he branched off into his own entertainment show.  I loved it and remember thinking it was cool that my Dad liked the humor on it just as much as I did.  The first three seasons were released on DVD and I truly enjoyed re-watching all of the old episodes, they brought back so many memories and still made me laugh.  For some reason the rest of the series has never been released.  I can't imagine sales on the first three seasons could have been that bad, so I wonder why.  With the M Muppets returning to the movies, I figured I would hear something about more DVD/Blu-Ray releases, but nothing yet.


  1. Cool cover and I loved The Muppet Show too.

  2. Disney's probably going to wait, until seven years from now, to release the 4th and 5th seasons of THE MUPPET SHOW. That's how they do it with their more vintage stuff. Except SONG OF THE SOUTH, of course!*

    *That, they'll probably keep in storage until Spike Lee's self-righteous butt is too old and shriveled to kiss anymore.

  3. Up against the villainous Toad!

  4. I too am waiting for the last couple of seasons of the Muppet Show to be released, as I recall some of my favorite episodes were in those years like the one with Mark Hamill and R2-D2 and the one with Christopher Reeve fresh from his turn as Superman. And while they're at it I would like to see Muppets Tonight released, it was an under-rated production with the Muppets and heavily featured characters like Rizzo the rat and Pepe the prawn.

  5. With these two on the job, the bad guys are "knee deep" in trouble!

  6. When Mark above said the villianous Toad did he mean the X-baddie from Marvel (who also have a Frogman character) or did he mean the one from the old Couragous Cat & Minute Mouse cartoons?
    Another great cover as always.
    Keep them coming...

  7. Most likely, there is a music kerfuffle. Variety shows are a BEAR to re-release. Music rights hold up the release of more classic shows than any other difficulties. They are apparently convoluted, and the contracts for them did not allow for re-release and sometimes even for syndication. So sometimes whole episodes or whole seasons sit locked out because no one knows how to get rights to one song that was used. In standard shows this comes up with background music from time to time, but with Variety shows it just comes up again and again. Carol Burnett got around this by just releasing the comedy skits in half hour format and axing the music. Smothers Brothers Ed Sullivan and Dick Cavett just release best of DVD's. This is why you can't get whole seasons of those shows. I'm actually very surprised they managed to get 3 seasons out of the Muppet's before they hit any major snags.

  8. This is fantastic. Marvel/Disney needs to make this a reality and SOON.

    Also, I must pass along a friend of mine's work from a few years ago where Kermit finds Mjolnir...

  9. "I like this team-up. It's got legs." -Doc Hopper

  10. Hadn't considered the song rights, that makes sense.

    The Mark Hamill Star Wars episode was released as part of a 3-episode DVD, so I was able to watch that one again at least.

  11. NezMaster is almost certainly correct. Recently it was announced that "WKRP" would be released on DVD for the second time; the first time covered only one or two seasons and often the songs playing at the station were switched for cheaper, sometimes off-period songs. For the new release more (but still not all) of the original selections have been restored. Unfortunately, those versions are probably what will be downloadable or syndicated for decades to come.

  12. To the above namesake: the Edward G. Robinson in those cartoons was called the Frog. You're confusing the latter with Mortimer Toynbee (Magneto's mutant whipping boy).
