Friday, September 26, 2014

Superman and Spider-Man in "Scoop of the Year"

I still remember seeing ads for the "Team-Up of the Century" as it was called when Superman and Spider-Man first met.  I just had to get this over-sized book, but I never once saw it on sale anywhere - this was years before I ever set for into a comic book shop, so my only options were a few local grocery stores and magazine stands.  In fact, I think I wound up getting a copy to the sequel before ever reading the first pairing.  it was well over a decade  before I finally got my hands on a copy.  It was well worth the wait, but I can only imagine how bowled over I would have been if I had gotten the chance to read it when it was originally released.


  1. Yup, living in East New York (Brooklyn) as a child in the 1980s, I definitely had the "inconsistent comic delivery" newstand blues. The two newsagents near my apartment building were so inconsistent, I usually avoided multipart stories and most brought stand alone issues. But the summer of the JLA/JSA/All-Star Squadron cross-over I made an exception. Unfortunately, it was years later that I finally purchased part 3 & 4!

  2. I was more fortunate. News deliveries to general stores in New England were slightly more reliable, back in the Seventies. But, then, again, Dc Comics were still only 20 cents, then!
