Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Spider-Man and Jimmy Olsen

I finally caught The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Blu-Ray and while there are moments of great potential in there, the film seemed to be a wasted opportunity for the most part.  There were things I liked a lot - the new costume is the best live action Spidey suit to date, Gwen's fate was handled nicely, and the special effects looked great for the most part.  The story, however, was a mess and seemed to repeat past mistakes of other films.  Electro looked like Mr. Freeze and had the same back story as The Riddler, giving his whole arc a Joel Schumaker vibe.  The Green Goblin was a boring retread with an even worse costume than the first two times, and the Rhino was barely there with a way-over the top performance from the usually reliable Paul Giamatti.  On top of all of that, too much time is spent on the mystery of Peter's parents, which after two movies I still don't care about.  I hope that some real reevaluation is done before bringing The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to life.


  1. There were a lot of good things in The Amazing Spider-Man 2; but, none of them fit together. I liked the arc with the Parkers. It's was good, in a Thomas and Martha Wayne vibe. Max Dillon sure had an Edward Nigma vibe...Electro was cool, but his backstory didn't fit. Neither did Norman Osborne or Harry. It's like the movie suffered from amnesia...

  2. My biggest complaint about these new Spider-Man films is about the story and direction. In the 1st film they spend a large amount of time establishing that Peter is after the stick up man who killed his Uncle Ben, but the whole thing is dropped so he can deal with the threat of the Lizard. So why doesn't he get back to looking for the guy with a tattoo on his wrist in the sequel? It's like they forgot all about his raison d'ĂȘtre.

  3. I have to agree with you about AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2. Particularly Paul Giamatti as Robo-Rhino. As I said, weeks earlier, the CGI made him look like a plagiarized Hostess Twinkie ad from the 1980's! I think Marvel Films might be trying to hard to merge their mainstream ("Earth-616) look with that of their "Ultimates" imprint.
