Thursday, September 11, 2014

Justice League of America and The Micronauts

OK, so The Transformers seem to rake in the box office receipts despite critical reaction, isn't it time for a Micronauts movie?  A live action trip to the Microverse could be very cool.  Maybe if Ant-Man is a hit for Marvel, audiences will be ready for more action in miniature.


  1. Another fun cover Ross. I'm sure if the movie moguls would adapt the first 12 issues of Marvel's Micronauts , it would look spectacular! Just imagining Rann, Bug, Marionnette, Acroyear, Biotron, Microtron and Baron Karza on the big screen!


  2. Nice hidden X-over with the X-Men, Ross... That's The Entity, (one of) the Prof X subconscious villains who took on the X-Men/Micronauts in '84!!

  3. I look forward to the (Silver Age) Atom meets Princess Mari.
