Thursday, September 18, 2014

Daredevil and Usagi Yojimbo

A great thing about the comic community - fans and pros alike - is that they stick together in times of need.  One such instance is the with Stan Sakai, the creator of Usagi Yojimbo.  Sakai's wife has been battling a debilitating brain tumor, and to help with the substantial medical bills, many talented artists have contributed original art featuring his most famous creation.  The art was auctioned off and many of the pieces are featured in The Sakai Project, a publication produced in association with The Comic Art Professional Society.  All of the proceeds from this over-sized book got to Stan and Sharon Sakai, and it can be ordered here:

The Sakai Project


  1. Throw in the Turtles too

  2. This project is indeed an awesome thing.

    And on the subject of Usagi Yojimbo, how about teaming him up with Captain Carrot some time?

  3. Has Captaın Carrot been rebooted or somethıng? I see a new versıon of hıs ımage poppıng up ın solıcıtatıons. Part of thıs Multıversıty thıng or whatever. DC ıs sooo confusıng now, I'd rather not even bother wıth the company at thıs poınt.

  4. I paged through MULTIVERSITY, which is a alternate universe saga by Grant Morrison, with CC in it. That may be where you saw the good captain, Anonymous, so he's not necessarily a party to DC's NEW FIFTY-TURD as I call it.

    I love it when funny animal (oops! I mean, furry art) characters crossover with human characters, and I may not be alone in that. I think that may be one of the reasons GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY is a hit.

    Since Mike Curtiss is now writing DICK TRACY, why not a cover with him and Shanda the Panda?

  5. I'd love to see Usagi team up Howard the Duck (alias Shang-Op, Master of Quak Fu)!
