Saturday, August 9, 2014

Zatanna and Spider-Man

I have opted to wait for the Blu-Ray to watch Amazing Spider-Man 2, as did many folks.  After the films' slight under-performance in the theaters, Sony seems undecided as to where to go next with the web slinger.  The third installment has been postponed, and now there have been rumors of a Venom solo film, or a movie featuring the Sinister Six (or a female version thereof).  I'm not sure how they plan to sell these movie when they couldn't with Spider-Man.  Hopefully they will get their act together or just let Marvel Studios take over the rights.


  1. I wish they would let Marvel Studios have the rights back to Spider-man, but that means we would have to sit through another origin movie. That's the problem with the new Spider-man films. They came too soon after the previous trilogy (which were done very well, except the third installment) not giving the audiences enough time to forget. But if Marvel had him back, we could see a Spider-man Daredevil team-up.

  2. Agreeing with Anonymous... and as I've said before, Spider-Man just has too much to him to be contained in a motion picture series. He really needs TV to develop properly, particularly with his grand array of cool villains. In a movie series, not enough can be done before the actor ages out of the role. The same goes for Batman (though I thought the recent trilogy was reasonably well done).

    As to this cover, it's interesting to see Spidey team up with Zatanna. I've never been a regular reader of the mainstream Spider-Man, but in the 90s animated version some of his most interesting adventures were those involving Madame Web -- definitely a mystical angle, for a character so rooted in science (or at least pseudo-science).

  3. The heck with Spider-man! I want to see Zatanna on the big screen! Maybe there will be a cameo on Constantine or something.

  4. I like Z's backstory - part of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman...part of Clark becoming Superman...part of Young Justice...and maybe a Titan..?

  5. Yay! My request came true! Thank you, Ross. :-)
