Monday, August 11, 2014

Solomon Grundy Vs. Archie

Back Issue's Michael Eury and Robert "RevBob" Hood both suggested a Miss Grundy/Solomon Grundy team-up and once again the concept was so offbeat that it rattled around in my head until I finally got around to putting a cover together that featured it. Thanks for the inspiration, Michael & Robert- you guys come up with some great ideas!


  1. Pureheart the Powerful to the rescue (lol)!

  2. Ha! That is awesome!

    I've been away from Riverdale for a long time; I wasn't aware that Miss Grundy had passed away. All the things going on there now, I think it may be time to give up on capes and tights and head back there. I first encountered Archie in the orthodontist waiting room, while my brothers had their braces checked...

  3. I believe the story where Miss Grundy dies was part of the Life with Archie series, set in the near future, with Archie and the gang as adults. (They just ended the series by having Archie take a bullet for Senator Kevin Keller)

    And for some lighter fun, the Tiny Titans/Little Archie crossover plays up the Grundy connection (though Miss Grundy claims Solomon is just her husband 'Steve'.

  4. I have to wonder, though, if Jughead's heroic alter-ego would come to the rescue if Solomon became smitten with, and carried off, Big Ethel?

  5. @Anonymous- I'd buy that for a dollar!

  6. I think you folks would appreciate reading this:
