Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mera and Stingray

Stingray's costume just shouldn't work - the colors are all wrong for an undersea hero and the big blank mask doesn't allow for much emotion to be depicted.  That said, I have always thought that it was kind of cool, and in the end that's what really counts, I guess.  Mera has kept her look relatively unchanged over the years, although she seems to have lost the flippers.  Call me crazy, but I kind of liked those, too!


  1. Wow! Its nice to see Stingray get some love! One of my favorite characters along with Stilt man. Is there going to be a Namorita sighting in the future? Totally unrelated but would to see Caesar from the new Planet of The Apes with Old School Cornelius, Gorilla Grodd, Monsieur Mallah.

  2. Yes, I have some plans for Namorita...

  3. I am huge Stingray fan as well....and am always happy to see him in action! Nice job!
