Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Guy Gardner and The Rocketeer

I remember thinking it was odd that DC Guy Gardner was featured in Crisis on Infinite Earths rather than Hal Jordan (famously the only DC hero not to appear in the classic maxi-series).  I liked him in the early days of Justice League, but felt that he turned onto a one-dimensional jerk of a character after a while.  Fortunately, later stories would flesh out his personality, and Guy definitely grew on me. I always liked his uniform as well, he is one of the sharper looking Green Lanterns.


  1. I never got past the "one-punch", from Batman.

    Although, I did read the two recent Formerly Known as the Justice League storylines, and I felt for Guy with Ice.

    Now that you mention it, it is pretty weird that Hal sat out the entire Crisis! John Stewart was in action for that one and so was Guy. It was right after Legends that I started reading Green Lantern and followed it - off and on through #50. Hal was just starting to get it together as a character.

    For me, Guy falls into that '80's, only shoot, don't bother thinking, action category. He's still played pretty one-dimensional, like on Batman: Brave and the Bold and the Green Lantern Animated Series.

  2. Personally, I think they should killed off _him_ rather than the Silver Age Supergirl in COIE!

    As for that series, as a whole? Like skydiving without a parachute, it should never have been done in the first place. I had no trouble, whatsoever, keeping the multiple Earths straight. In fact, I remember reading a Sunday supplement, back then, that kind of verified the plausibility of a multiverse! Something about the Big Bang having been like a teakettle coming to boil. With the increasing number of bubbles representing parallel-universes.

    It's just a shame that it took twenty years, and two more year-long mini-series, for DC to wise up to the same fact. And don't even get me started on the hypocrisy of the series title "Final Crisis!"

  3. What if the Guardians of OA thought that Daredevil would make a dandy Green Lantern since he is the "Man without fear."

  4. I've definitely thought about that connection...

  5. Always loved Guy, and loving this cover.

  6. Am I the only one who hears Dennis Leary's voice when reading Guy's dialog?

  7. @ Derrick: yes.


  8. Guy's the best ;p

    Awsum cover!
