Saturday, July 26, 2014

Green Lantern and Thor in "Boy Toy!"

Girlfriends in comics used to have a few standard patterns.  They were there to get captured and rescued, try to discover the hero's  identity, or get disappointed by their boyfriends frequent disappearing acts.  That's why I liked the angle they gave to Carol Ferris - not only was she Hal Jordan's boss, which was a nice spin on the usual comic book relationship, but she eventually became one of his major villains as well. These things gave their stories some originality and set them apart from the comic book couples.  There is also a parallel with the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott - who eventually went on to marry The Harlequin, one of the female members of his rogues gallery.


  1. You could follow this story up with a sequel featuring The Enchantress...not a girlfriend per se, but close enough. I hope The Enchantress shows up with The Executioner in Thor 3.

    As for a Green Lantern reboot...back to the drawing board on that one...

  2. I remember this issue of Superman!

    It's one of the few times I ever rooted _against_ the Man of Steel (lol).

  3. @AirDave: The Enchantress has already been on "Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", with Sif. Since the part has already been cast, it shouldn't be difficult to work her into the feature films.

  4. that wasn't the Enchantress. that was her sister, Lorelei.

  5. @Anonymous: Ike! so it was. I forgot that Lorelei came from the Simonson run; I thought she was some kind of 'Ultimates' version of Amara, is in the Jim Lee Nick Fury and the 90's Deathlok. Mea Culpa.

  6. Both characters had their movie premieres in 2011.
