Monday, June 16, 2014

The Legion of Super-Pets and Rocket Raccoon

Back in 1978, audiences were promised, "You will believe a man can fly", and with the release of Superman: The Movie they saw that promise fulfilled. Now over three decades later, the new promise is, "You will believe a raccoon can operate a machine gun!"  Guardians of the Galaxy looks to be a lot of fun, and I hope that audiences respond to it, so that some more of comics' far-out concepts will be considered for film adaptations.


  1. Just so long as one of those concepts is _not_ STEEL 2!

  2. I suppose Rocket Racoon and the racoon Green Lantern (Chip?) has been floated?

    Long time no comment, recently caught up on a couple of months missed, but enjoy them all.

  3. chip is squirrel not racoon also we could ask pet avengers and legion of super pets vs all bad guy creatures would be cool

  4. Would Rocket have a problem with Super Cat, like in the current Captain Marvel with her cat.

  5. @Anonymous: Ch'p was a chipmunk, actually. He came from the planet H'lven (which sounds like "Alvin") where his best friend was named D'll (like in "Chip and Dale").

  6. I think Krypto looks like a goat here. but I would still buy 10 copies of this issue. (At 60 cents each, that'd be less than the cost of two issues of ADVENTURE these days. Sigh.)

  7. Jess
    DC COPY MARVEL DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I NEED A DC COMICS A DELETE!!!!!!

  8. @Unknown: English only, please. No habla WTF!
