Sunday, May 11, 2014

Magnus: Robot Fighter and Ultron

I am hoping that the post-credits teaser scene after Guardians of the Galaxy will be some footage of Avengers: The Age of Ultron, just to give a tease of what that film will be like.  There is just so much that Joss Whedon is going to have to cram into the film, with all of the new characters and repercussions from the various solo movies. I know they are still filming and effects work probably hasn't even begun, but it would be nice to see something to whet our appetites for next summer.


  1. So, here's what I am wondering. If Stark creates Ultron, wouldn't that be the scene? Like Batman developing the Brother Eye... I would think Ultron would be an extension of Jarvis...

  2. There was some storyboards released of an unused scene from the first Avengers where Jarvis seemed to be developing a mind of it's own, I wonder if they will still be going down that route.

  3. I'm currently reading Russ Manning's Magnus stories. Impressive!

    Rip Off

  4. OK, AirDave. Who did you bribe at Marvel Films to get that spoiler?

