Saturday, March 8, 2014

Captain Marvel and Mage

We've seen a bunch of superheroes sport the "jeans and T-shirt" look at this point, but when Matt Wagner's Mage first hit the stands back in 1984, that style was one of the things that made Kevin Matchstick stand out.  Mage was a fun comic, a cool spin on the traditional superheroes and the King Arthur legend that is well worth seeking out.


  1. This is truly a delightful cover Ross. I remember seeing this Matt Wagner book in comic shops in the 1980s, but never had a chance to read it. This brings back great memories of the new and exciting independent titles were back then. This blog is a delight!!!

  2. Nice spin on the "lightning bolt" motif! That and the "great wizard mentor" bit make an interesting bit of synchronicity, as you note. I'll have to take a look at Mage, to see what other parallels can be drawn between these two characters.

  3. Very nice! The lightning bolt motif makes a great visual connection!

    I never read Mage and need to correct that. It's interesting to think about his Arthurian background and how it would interact with other characters. Who would be the true heir to Excalibur, Matchstick or Hellboy? Or maybe the Gargoyles version of King Arthur? What happens when Matchstick meets Merlin's half-brother, the Demon Etrigan? And just imagine the kind of team Matchstick could put together with Black Knight, Shining Knight, and other Arthur based heroes.

  4. Doc Samson and Zot too, though their logos aren't quite the same.
