Monday, January 6, 2014

Wonder Woman and The Cat

Gal Gadot has been announced as receiving the role of Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman/Superman film.  I have only seen her in one small role on one of the Fast and Furious sequels, so I don't have much to judge her acting abilities on.  She looks right for the part - I have heard complaints that she was too lean, but I understand she is on a workout regimen to add muscle mass, so that isn't a concern to me.  I just hope the part is written well, it still strikes me a bit odd that she is even in the movie at all.  Will she be an intregal part of the plot, or a small cameo at the end, hinting at things to come?  Part of me suspects that this and a JLA movie may be filmed back-to-back, and that is why DC seems to be getting their Justice League cast members together.


  1. Hey Ross, that is a unique suggestion that never occurred to me, and no one else has suggested that Batman vs. Superman might lead back2back to a JLA film. Its an intrigueing thought. It could be the last 15 minutes of the film is an prologue/epilogue leading to JLA, but I would actually prefer a film where Wonder Woman, The Flash (and Dwayne Johnson/Green Lantern) are 40% integral to the story. Why Not? They can always make a (3rd) film that is officially Man Of Steel 2.

  2. I'm kinda hoping The Rock is up for Martian Manhunter...

  3. Ross, I read that MM is not in the movie. Nor is the Rock. I'm hoping the Lobo movie is back on. He'd be great for it as he's a fan (part of Marvel's success, most of their films have heavy fan involvement). Here's a thought, Lobo vs. Wolverine. Anf no phoney fan voted outcome this time. This cover's pretty good. Nice use of Cheetah by the way.

  4. But didn't DC just change Lobo to some skinny emo dude?

  5. Is the Cat the same marvel character who was a member of the Defenders? I thought she was called Hellcat?

  6. This Cat later became Tigra, after which Patsy Walker took on her costume as Hellcat.

  7. Maybe in the future you can put The Cat against Catwoman, and have a real cat fight!

    As for this story, I think The Cat doesn't really stand a chance here, because (yes, I have to say it) Cheetahs never prosper.

    And say... haven't you had a collection of cat-themed heroes somewhere in the past? If not, it would be a cool idea, but it seems to me like you have. (If I'm right and you have, maybe you could try revisiting that team some time!)

  8. Well Catwoman met Tigra in a tale I called "Cat Fight" very early on...

    There is a cat-based team coming up one of these days...

  9. They're making a Justice League movie without the Martian Manhunter!? That's nuts!

  10. Hey, they rebooted the JLA in the New 52 without the Martian Manhunter. That's even nuttier.

  11. Martian Manhunter got shunted over to the Wildstorm
    universe for a while. So in the Nu52 he's not a JLA'er anymore which I find despicable. And Ross, there's some debate as to whether or not Emo Lobo is the real deal.

  12. Emo Lobo. Sounds like the title of a John Wayne movie. :)

  13. @Bob - And they died with their Hot Topic boots on. Looks like Wondy's about to catch a case of cat scratch fever! :P

  14. @Ross: what would be the name for such a team? The Feline Force?
