Saturday, January 18, 2014

Superboy and Ben Reilly

I have warmed up to Superboy over the years.  I liked his introduction during the Death of Superman story line but I wasn't sure if I wanted this character to be existing side by side with Kal-El for too long as I think that too many variant characters tend to dilute the original.  It wasn't until Geoff Johns' take on Connor Kent in his Teen Titans run that I began to appreciate the character again.  I also liked his appearances on the sadly short-lived Young Justice TV series.  I haven't kept up with the character in the New 52 Universe, though.  I still miss the Superboy that was simply a young Clark Kent.  It's too bad that they took that aspect of the character away, it made him unique among superheroes.


  1. Man, this team up would have been soooo cool in the Marvel vs. DC crossover. 4528542 30

  2. I don't know who drew Ben Reilly but his hands are wrong. His two middle fingers are supposed to be blue/black and his pinky and indez finders have the webbing.

  3. @Issac: Actually, I think those two did face each other in the Marvel vs. DC match-up in the 90's.

  4. @arw1985 - Yeah .... but not these two.

  5. No, I'm pretty sure it was these two. Superboy was in his earlier costume, but it was definitely Kon-El vs. Ben Reilly.

  6. @ Bob Buethe - That was pre-Nu52 Kon-El, I didn't know that Marvel brought back Reilly in the 90's (haven't bought a book from the since Marvels) so yeah amybe.

  7. Yup, it was him. At the time Ben thought he was Peter and thought the real Peter was a clone. So when Kon said he was a clone of Supes, Ben (thinking his life was stolen by a clone) got really mad and punched him. In fact I seem to recall the dialogue being close to what Ross has here.
