Friday, January 24, 2014

Sandman and Spider-Man

With all the talk about the huge task of bringing Superman/Batman and The Justice League to the big screen, the equally challenging Sandman adaptation which was announced has been somewhat overshadowed.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt will have a major role,  possibly starring in the title role and also directing the feature.  He is usually involved in quality projects and has established some solid directorial chops to go with his already proven acting skills, so I think he is a great choice to lead the project.  Plus, from the quotes I have read from him, he clearly is a fan of the source material and is well versed in the incredible tapestry created by Neil Gaiman. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the production.


  1. An interesting Spider-Man/Sandman story! Hopefully, Sandman won't be just another DC casualty. I'm still waiting to be impressed by DC live action...

    On the other hand, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 looks pretty cool! Sony will impress me if they put together a Kraven the Hunter prequel. Kraven is a character that could stand alone before meeting Spider-Man. It would be interesting to see a "Most Dangerous Game" manhunt in a future Spider-Man film! It's a pretty basic idea, but time and technology has changed.

  2. I’m rather hesitant about the Superman/Batman and The Justice League movies. Though I was very surprised how much I liked the most recent Superman movie which I consider the best one. In my opinion I think very few Justice League characters could do well in their own movies like many of the Avengers characters have done. Exceptions to that are perhaps Hawkman.
    I do think that DC would do better at the theaters if they made a movie about Adam Strange, Challengers of the Unknown, the World War II version of the Justice Society of America, and the Suicide Squad (with Amanda Waller). My biggest hope is that they do Suicide Squad.
    Another comic to movie potential would have to be Alien Legion. I’ve seen reference to the possibility of a Alien Legion film every now and then, but I wish they would just do it. (How about a crossover cover with Alien Legion? Hint hint)
    And as long as I’m mentioning movies I’d wish they would make, I wish Peter Jackson would make a live movie trilogy of the first three Dragonlance book, beginning with Dragons of Autumns Twilight. The animated movie adaptation made of the story was just horrible.

  3. I'M rather hesitant about DC handling Sandman at all, after seeing how they've been handling every other character after the last reboot.
    If there was such a place as a limbo for forgotten comic book characters like Grant Morrison wrote about, I suspect they're glad they are there and would prefer not to be reactivated and join the "New 52."

  4. @Ordinaryguy2 - WB/DC is sort of planning a Suicide Squad film at the moment. Hopefully without Nu52's Harley Quinn. And isn't Alien legion a Marvel property? I agree with the JSA & Challengers movies, but doubt WB has the foresight to give us these on film(They may not make the money back). Al least Sandman might get made, and not be mishandled like Hellblazer was.

  5. Another great cover Ross... very moody. I think Neil Gaiman would love it! :)


  6. @Isaac: ALIEN LEGION was published by Epic and was one of the many titles they published whose rights reverted to the creators. STARSTRUCK has been reprinted by IDW, for example, and both MOONSHADOW and BLOOD:A TALE were reprinted by DC/Vertigo. ALIEN LEGION was reprinted by Checker and more recently were put into omnibus form by Dark Horse. It's definitely going to be associated with Marvel because they debuted it, but they only ever had temporary custody or license; it wasn't really their 'property'.

  7. My favorite part of this cover is the "Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham" mask. Brilliant.
