Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Booster Gold And Spider-Man

One of the more interesting rumors with the Spider-Man movie franchise is that there are plans to expand into other Spidey-related movies, including Venom and Sinister Six.  Venom I can understand, and I have  been hearing rumors of a solo film for that character since the first Spider-Man trilogy.  The Sinister Six I have been hoping would be the subject of The Amazing Spider-Man 3.  I don't know how a film with them but without Spidey would work.  Time will tell what the actual plans are, I'm sure a lot will depend on the performance of next Summer's sequel.


  1. In my opinion, Spider-Man has too many really cool villains to span them all in a movie series before the actor ages out of the role. To cover it all really calls for a TV series.

    I feel the same way about Batman; it's part of why the TV series with Adam West holds up so well.

    A thought: I know Bats and Spidey have appeared together here in the past (though not one-on-one since a couple of B&B covers in 2010), so how about bringing them together in something where they compare their respective Rogues' Galleries?

  2. I have a cover or two coming up that fits in with that suggestion...

  3. Here's a better idea. Just team up their respective rogues galleries. You did the Lizard & Killer Croc so.... Joker & Green Goblin seems natural if you haven't done it already. I think you did Manbat & Morbius so how about Clayface & Venom? Shocker & Dr. Phosphorous? You get the idea?

  4. More than one Bat Villain vs. Spidey Villain cover coming up...

  5. Ooh! Oooh ooh! The Penguin and the Vulture! Clayface and Sandman! The Riddler and Mysterio! I like, I like.

  6. The list goes on! Killer Croc and the Lizard! The Ventriloquist and the Kingpin! Blockbuster and the Rhino! Two-Face and Doc Ock! (I don't know why that one keeps coming to my mind, in this context....)

  7. Killer Croc and The Lizard have appeared together here already - twice!

  8. How about Blockbuster/Hulk? They seem a more natural duo than Hulk/Grundy (which I hate with a passion). Besides Blockbuster is basically DC's ripoff of the Hulk anyway.

  9. Any chance that giant arachnid chasing Booster and Spidey is intended to be Kumonga?

  10. And speaking of some good Batman villain & Spider-Man villain mash-ups, since another commenter already picked Clayface vs. Sandman (one I've long wanted to see!), how about the Black Mask vs. the Crime Master? I can totally see those two going at it in a mob war to take over the other's respective city. Or, for a double dose of feline femme fatale action, how about Catwoman and the Black Cat? I see Selina Kyle and Felicia Hardy as total kindred spirits.

  11. Black Cat and Catwoman have been featured together 3 times already...

  12. How about Deadpool vs. Lobo?

  13. Or even Lobo vs. Space Ghost?

  14. @CN: Either that, or a member of the Vegan Spider Guild.*

    *As in "of or pertaining to the Vega star system." Not (repeat: NOT) the over-used slang term for a religiously fanatical vegetarian.
