Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Shadow and Doctor Who

I recently watched Day of the Doctor, the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who, and I thought is was a lot of fun.  Having three incarnations of the Time Lord (John Hurt, Matt Smith and David Tennant) all interacting with one another was a pleasure to see, and any episode that features Daleks is a favorite of mine.  The best part for me was the last 15 minutes or so, which featured some great problem solving as well as a surprise that long time Who fans like myself really appreciated.  That's as much detail as I will go into though, I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't had the pleasure of watching it yet.


  1. Simply Brilliant.

    Though what's sad is now I want to see this comic be made.

  2. My hat's off to you, in recognition of your pun-manship...

  3. I agree with StarDragon77, this comic should be made. And as Jim Ryan said, you are a very punny man. Ha!

  4. Hurt was never a doctor. Jon Pertwee. Now I want to see the program. May the bluray come out quickly.

  5. The Day of the Doctor was Fantastic! Introducing John Hurt as the new War Doctor was very cool. The only thing missing was the 9th Doctor.

    If you have a chance, if it re-broadcasts again, watch An Adventure in Space and Time with "Filch" from Harry Potter as the 1st Doctor - a very interesting look at how the show came to be. Really enjoyable.

    I tried watching Tom Baker's Doctor...just couldn't get into it.

    But now, I'm a Whovian...or a Wholigan...

    I've read that "Prisoners of Time" the IDW 12-issue comic series with all the Doctors is quite enjoyable. It's on my wish list.

  6. This, and your other works are amazing. I'm wondering, do you have any plans for a Doctor Doom/Doctor Who crossover? I think Doom would be arrogant enough to challenge the Doctor to a battle of wits. Looking forward to more covers.

  7. Doom/Who? All I can say is that great minds think alike! Stay tuned...

  8. @ Air Dave:


  9. @ Unknown:

    Yes, he was! Mr. Hurt is officially listed as "the War Doctor" by _true_ Whovians, everywhere.
