Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sub-Mariner Vs. Black Adam

I can't believe it has taken me this long to feature these two in a cover together.  Even as a little kid, I noticed the similarity in appearance that they shared, and I thought there was definite crossover potential to be had.  I imagine that any story featuring guys with such short fuses as Black Adam and Namor would  have to be filled with conflict, and that would make for a fun, action packed comic.


  1. Love this cover! I, too, always saw the similarities between Sub-Mariner and Black Adam--it's hard not to. And to compound the issue, in JSA and 52, Geoff Johns wrote Black Adam just like Namor.

  2. Great story idea, Ross. I imagine at some point during this Black Adam would remove his boots to reveal little wings on his ankles proving to Namor the true nature of their relationship.

  3. Next you'll have to bring us something with them versus the Danvers Twins.

  4. I was pleased when Geoff Johns made B.A. more of an anti-hero than villain. I know I'm not alone in preferring a Black Adam ongoing series over a Shazam! one and even a film with Dwayne Johnson playing his character. In one swoop, Johns made B.A. a hundred times more complex and interesting than the entire Marvel Family! Hey, everyone loves a bad guy!

  5. I can't believe I never noticed how similar they were, and both seem to be immortal.

  6. Surely, given the identical hair, the title should have been "Twin Peaks"?

  7. Great minds think alike man. Here's the link to a skit I did yesterday featuring both Namor and Black Adam, as I attempted in humorous fashion to show how similar they are to each other. Too similar!

  8. Not only do they look alike, they're both masters of the "floating-in-midair-with-arms-crossed-while-looking-down-at-you-haughtily" pose.

  9. They need to put them together in a comic book story line they are twins you know but.they got split one went to dc comics the otherwent to marvel

  10. "My true heritage must remain hidden forever!"

    Not with them green speedos, it won't. ;-D

  11. So Black Adam is an Atlantean Deserter?
