Saturday, September 7, 2013

Metamorpho and Warlock

I wanted to include a couple more of my favorite ugly characters, so I made this adventure a two parter.  I could have extended it even more though, because the list of hideous yet heroic characters is quite long,  I have always liked the concept, I think it speaks to the outcast in all of us - that outward appearances matter only so much, it's what's in your heart and your actions that truly make up who you are. Plus, most of them just look so darn cool!  Of course, Rex is a victim of the New 52, and hasn't appeared since the reboot.  Not in the comics anyway, he did appear on an episode of "Beware the Batman", which gave me a spark of hope that DC is not done with "the freak who never fails" yet...


  1. Now that is a nice segue! You should try the narrative approach more often! I must admit, I was expecting a different Warlock, but..I'm sure you can work him in here somewhere. But please keep the cliffhanger going! great stuff!
    I can't wait to see what happens next.

  2. Thanks! Definitely plenty of two-parters coming up - even a three-parter down the line. Adam Warlock is slated to appear as well.

  3. I can't help but laugh looking at this cover, with Wonder Warthog and...friends. There's four kinds of ugly goin' on there. I feel like I'm at a family reunion. You really made me laugh, man. thanks.

  4. I think you could make a theme group out of this. For DC's side of things, keep Metamorpho (Kilowog has his own duties with the GLC), and with him, Wonder Warthog, and Warlock, you could add a couple more. Toxic Avenger is a good obvious choice, and Aahz might make a good show of things. Spawn or Chewbacca would be "maybe" choices.

  5. how about you do a buddy cop movie poster starring savage dragon and axe cop.

  6. What? No Ultra the Multi-Alien? Talk about one ugly mug.
