Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Hotheads

It was quickly apparent when assembling this team that writers like to give fire-based characters pretty combustible attitudes as well - it seemed to be a common trait.  I figure the more of these guys that you put in a story together, the more chance for conflict there would be, and that could make fore quite an interesting adventure, despite their similar power sets.


  1. do you think you could come up with a team made up of all ice base super-heroes? and where can I get posters of your work?

  2. I've been thinking about an Ice Team follow up, maybe one of these days I will give it a go if I can find the right images.

    Unfortunately since this blog utilizes existing artwork of trademarked characters, I can't sell t-shirts, posters, etc.

  3. The Just Ice League?

    How many ice-based heroes are there? Iceman, Polar Boy, Ice, Frostbite, Jack Frost, Jack Q. Frost, Sub-Zero, and Sub-Zero Man? And a couple of those are really obscure.

    There's about an equal number of ice-based villains: the Icicle, Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold, Killer Frost, Blizzard, the Cryonic Man, Coldsnap, Minister Blizzard, the Blue Snowman.

  4. Some time ago I'd pondered the idea of a group of speedsters, but I'm not sure how many there are. If you limit it to one per company, I know Flash would carry the DC flag and Quicksilver the Marvel... but who else is there? Hunter of the Road Rovers, possibly Daphne Millbrook if she was ever in the Heroes comic... I'm not sure if there's enough artwork of Kinetik (from Champions) for you to do anything with.

    Maybe there are others I'm just not thinking of, or not aware of.

    (That suggestion included an offer to use my own Speed Bump) to round things out, or as a guest hero. I don't know how helpful that is, though.)

  5. Not sure why I haven't done a speedster group yet, as you say there's many to choose from, but not a whole lot once you get out of DC and Marvel... still it's a concept I may get around to tackling.

  6. Too bad you couldn't substitute Firebrand for Sun Boy. But as it stands it's a good cover anyway. I'd read the heck outta this crossover (as long as it's Pre-Crisis DC that is).

  7. @Ross: The youngest member of John Byrne's Next Men (Danny) was a speedster. And of course there was Speedy Gonzales and (if you can find a comic cover with him) Ricochet Rabbit.

  8. That would be one HELL of an issue.

  9. Love the HotHead team! Heat Miser! Love it! You even included the rarely used Harvey character Hot Stuff!

    May I suggest an all rubber/stretching super hero team:
    Mr. Fantastic, Plastic Man, Elastigirl, Elongated Man, and Monkey D. Luffy?

  10. There's a cover on here with Mr. Fantastic, Elongated man and Mr. Gum as the "Expansion Team"...
