Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Flash and Iceman / Dr. Fate Vs. The Red Skull

Another two-fer today.  The Flash has gotten a lot of press lately, with reports of a potential movie on the horizon, not to mention an appearance on the WB's Arrow, that is said to be leading to a new Flash TV Show.  I'm not sure whether the television news means that the movie is no longer happening or not, but it would surprise me if Warner Brothers went ahead with two versions.  One good bit of news on the TV front is that the producers are promising a proper costume and they will actually call the character by his name, which is a departure for their superhero adaptations.  I still fondly remember the 90's series and hope that the new iteration does Barry Allen justice.


  1. The '90's version of The Flash was just so '90's! I liked the series. It was as close as a television adaptation could be. I didn't like what they did to Iris, though. I didn't care for the whole amalgamation of all the Flash eras into one. Hopefully this new series will be closer to the comics. Being that it is on the CW, though, I don't think it will present a happy Barry and Iris. It will probably focus on the time before they got married...

  2. It was Hokey but I liked Wesley Shipp and Hamill as the Trickster paved the way for his legendary turn as the Joker. The costume was well done - with recolored boots and some tweaks to the cowl it would have been perfect!

  3. I am also puzzled by the news of a Flash tv show coming so close to the announcement of a Flash movie. Would they be the same continuity? That seems unlikely and it's a shame. Marvel seems to be on the right track with a tv show (agents of shield) that supports their movies. But I do like Arrow, so I remain hopeful they can figure it out..

  4. The Flash TV series was great -- the thing that killed it was that CBS kept changing its time slot. Six years later the Programming VP took responsibility for that, saying, "If we'd left it alone, it'd still be on today."

    I wanted to watch Arrow when it started, but couldn't get other members of my household interested; now that I'm on my own, I can't quite get the opportunity to go get caught up (especially with my heavy involvement in the big Doctor Who fan film - I put the link to that on my name this time, for the curious). Hopefully that will change soon enough.
