Monday, August 12, 2013

Superman and The Sub-Mariner

I think that a battle between Superman and Prince Namor could be epic.  Sure, I would give Superman the edge... unless Namor was somehow able to lure him into the ocean.  There, he is even more powerful and has all the resources of Atlantis and the undersea world at his command, and Superman could be in for the fight of his life.  Making it a period piece would be even mor fun for me, as I love the golden age versions of these pioneering comicds charaters.


  1. Don't forget, Superman was also quite a bit weaker in the Golden Age. It may be closer than you think.

  2. Hey. did Supes ever tram up with Sgt. Rock? I know Bats did. As for Namor giving Supes the fight of his life underwater ..... no way man. Maybe with the Golden Age or Post-Crisis version (Yeucch to that guy), but Silver Age Superman, not with all of Atlantis and the entire Marvel universe behind him. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  3. That's the only way it COULD be a fair fight; by making it a WWII story with the Earth-Two Superman, who was much weaker than the Earth-One Superman. THAT Superman would equip Namor with a space suit and take the battle to the moon. Heh. ;)

  4. @Bo Buethe- I had that issue, just hadn't read them in 25 years. @ Gernot- It still wouldn't be as interesting as the fight he had there with Wonder Woman back in the 70's. They just re-issued those J.L. Garcia Lopez stories in Hardback. I own 'em all but wanna get just for the convenience.
    ross, not to leave you outta this.... good work on the cover. Too bad you couldn't use big John Buscema's work with Kubert. They match up pretty well.

  5. Seeing Superman like that puts me in mind of Super-Soldier, the character that combined him with Captain America for the Amalgam Universe event that tied in with Marvel vs. DC. It'd be awesome if that character could be slipped into a cover somehow, though I'm not sure who to team him with. (Maybe Doctor Who?)

  6. I try not to use crossovers to create new crossovers. Besides Super-Soldier only appeared twice, not much to work with.

  7. Actually, although you've used Doctor Who a few times the one character he should be paired with is probably Doctor Doom, Marvel's original time meddler. Of all the time traveling characters in comics he's the only other one I can think of who also has multiple (albeit divergent in his case) incarnations wandering through time (Kang, Immortus, Scarlet Centurian, Rama-Tut and who knows who else).

  8. @pblfsda -- Hourman (the post-Zero Hour version) had multiple time-traveling versions as well, I think. For a while the Justice Society had a version from the future who I think was an android clone of Rex Tyler; at the same time, Rick Tyler could go and visit his father (Rex), who was being held in suspension just prior to his death, but up to 60 minutes total. For some reason the android had a time ship that looked, as I recall, like a viking boat. A bit confusing but fun as well.

  9. It's as imaginary as all the covers on this blog...
