Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Phantom Stranger on The Death Star

The Phantom Stranger was always known to arrive at points of great conflict and offer his sage advice, so it it that much of a stretch that he could show up to offer the Empire's soldiers the choice to break free from their predetermined mission?  It might make for a fun story that would combine science fiction with magic, something the Star Wars universe is no stranger to.


  1. Weren't there a couple of slacker, comic relief Stormtroopers that got their own mini-series once? Wouldn't those two be prominent characters in a story like this?

  2. Is that a Jim Starlin Phantom Stranger? Nice cover, as always, Ross.

  3. It's uncredited from an Action Comics Weekly cover, but I think you are right, looks like Starlin to me.

  4. This is definitely an eye-grabbing cover. The Phantom Stranger has always fascinated me for reasons of which I've never been certain -- probably an effect of his mysterious qualities -- and a cover with him holding the Death Star would really make me wonder what was going on.

    I think it would be magnificent if he were to be in the upcoming JLA film, possibly as the sage force that brings the heroes all together. He probably won't, but one can dream.

    It just occurred to me that his usual story function would make him an interesting character to couple up with Doctor Who. Certainly several of the Doctor's various incarnations have been in situations where his advice would be needed -- especially the 8th, with his involvement in the Time War.

  5. I'm just trying to picture the Phantom Stranger watching "Clerks".

    1. YES! I too recognized the Clerks reference. Hilarious!

  6. Very creative. I never think of your mash-ups and I am always surprised. Since The Stranger doesn't seem to be bound by time or space, why couldn't he go to a galaxy a long time ago and far, far away....

  7. Actually, Jon, that was one of his four possible origins way back in a SECRET ORIGINS special issue, pre-COIE. If true, that would make him a contemporary of Galactus, as well!

  8. Hola,estos comics...
    Existen? Solo son portadas?
