Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It Girl and Power Girl

I have written before about how much I love Mike Allred's artwork.  His clean, expressive style is always filled with interesting designs and body types.  I can tell he really has fun with the breakout star of The Atomics, It Girl.  Her ability to mimic the properties of anything she touches really allows Allred to get visually creative.  Ramona Fradon is one of the greatest underestimated artists that the industry has seen, in my eyes.  Take a look at her work on Aquaman or Metamorpho and you will see that she has many of the same artistic sensibilities that make modern illustrators like Allred so appealing.  It's even more impressive when you consider how male dominated the industry was back when she broke into the scene.


  1. This one is simply beautiful!. More heroes from independent publishers, Ross, more, more More!!

    -Camila Abutaleb

  2. how about deadpool and starman, from Geoff johns run on justice society of America. you could call it TWO WILD AND CRAZY GUYS!

  3. Man, Ramona Fradon draws a great Power Girl! And I've been meaning to read It-Girl and the Atomics for some time, I've even met the series' writer Jamie S. Rich.

  4. What about a cover featuring a bunch female super heros sitting in a cafe dishing about their "super" boyfriends?

  5. I never cared for Allred's work. Everyone just seemed wooden and stiff when he drew them

  6. Please tell me your cover for the 4th will be Cap, Both Shields, and Uncle Sam!

  7. When I saw It Girl in the title I was SO hoping her team-up partner would be Hit Girl!
