Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Green Lantern and She-Hulk

You can't really blame She-Hulk for being fed up here.  The Guardians of the Universe have a long history of manipulating the heroes they work with for their own mysterious ends.  Apparently this has come to a head in the Green Lantern titles, and Hal Jordan has taken over leadership of the Corps. It will be interesting to see where this change in status will take that corner of the DCU.


  1. "Goin' Oan".

  2. That She-Hulk pic hits a trifecta: Both ass and tits facing the reader and there's no face to humanize the figure!

  3. DC had some short-lived characters in the mid 1990's, like Bloodwynd (JLA), Haywire, Mad Dog, Jonni Thunder (descendant of Johhnny Thunder but a private eye with a FEMALE genie), The Weird, and The Wanderers (spin off of Legion of Superheroes). These characters were never heard from again after their mini-series, but would pop-up in one panel or two during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. It would be great if you could use some of them in the future.

  4. Agreed with what Anonymous said -- also the Legion of Substitute Heroes Auxiliary would be nice to see, maybe working with the Tick.

    Also I'd like to see Shulkie teaming up with Jade some time. It'd be good for these two green females to have some time together.

  5. The thing about those short lived characters is that there is very little material to use for a cover, so they're tough to do.

    Bob, Legion Subs have a cover coming up, Shulkie and Jade will eventually meet as well...

  6. Have you ever seen any of the public domain comics sites? There are lots of characters to draw from for characters-There could be a Yellowj(Old Fawcett Character) meets Yellowjacket (Hank Pym) cover. Or the Red Bee meets Yellowjacket: Bees Unleashed!

    Lots of old characters that are not copyright protected.

  7. Is She-Hulk taking revenge for Sinestro attacking her cousin? I too wanna see Jade and Shulkie hit it off. Make it so, Ross.
