Friday, July 12, 2013

Angel and Hawkgirl

There is something very iconic about winged characters that has always appealed to me.  They look great on the page, even in silhouette.  The ability to fly seems to be the most common choice when people are asked what power they would like to have, and that is certainly part of the attraction.  Depending on the design, wings can make your character appear more angelic, demonic or avian, so there's a broad range of stories that can be told with them.  This cover features two of my favorite heroes to sport this look.


  1. It's interesting that when Marv Wolfman and George Perez relaunched the Titans, one of them said that there was no way Charlie Parker could have been possible. Katar Hol would never take on a sidekick, let alone pass along any of his equipment or wings. I'd never heard of Charlie before. I'd also never heard of that city of bird-people that Carter Hall visited until Northwind was introduced in Infinity, Inc. Now Dawnstar's a different story...

  2. I really like this cover. I am also a fan of hawkman and hawkgirl. have you ever though about doing a buffy,the vampire slayer and xena: warrior princess crossover. and who do you think would win in their fight?

  3. There is an upcoming cover that I am sure you will like. I'd think the two would join forces, but if they had to battle, my money's on Xena!

  4. This is an interesting cover. Clearly the story is spawned from the clever title, which isn't necessarily a bad thing -- in fact, in this case I'd say it's a good thing. These are two characters who have never interested me much (I don't actually dislike them; they just don't quite capture my imagination), but this cover is intriguing enough that I probably would buy the issue.

    Another title-to-story thing that came to me yesterday was based on the phrase "High Noon." The idea is "Low Midnight," and involves two vampires having it out in the Old West. If you can figure out how to do that, I think it would be fantastic.

    As to that Xena/Buffy crossover... I endorse the idea.

    On the lighter side, how about Roger Ramjet and Hong Kong Phooey?

  5. Wings are perhaps the least plausible super power there is, but I agree, they do look great.

  6. I always save nice clean BG images like that, they come in quite handy!
