Friday, May 3, 2013

Calvin and Hobbes and Devil Dinosaur

One of the great things about Calvin and Hobbes was Bill Watterson's ability to illustrate the world of Calvin's imagination.  He depicted dinosaurs, alien worlds and homicidal snowmen in such a convincing way that you couldn't blame Calvin for wanting to get lost in them.  I imagine that he and Hobbes would be quite intrigued by the idea of a giant red T-Rex.


  1. That is so awesome!

    I loved Calvin and Hobbes. I loved the imagination stories. I wish I could choose between the spaceman or the hard-boiled detective, but they were both awesome! Calvin was the perfect kid with the "Walter Mitty" complex.

    I would read this comic book!

  2. Bill Watterson & Jack Kirby...I'm not sure it could ever get better than that. The two of them are creativity personified. Awesome job on this one.

  3. Bring them all and more ETC ! To Disney !
