Monday, April 15, 2013

The Shadow and Spider-Man

My first memory of The Shadow was listening some old radio dramas that he was featured in. Seeing him pop up in a Batman comic was great, one of the first crossovers I ever saw. The Shadow has found a new home recently with Dynamite Entertainment, and it's cool to me that one of pulp fiction's greatest characters is being presented in new adventures.  Even cooler is that he is starring alongside The Green Hornet, Zorro, The Spider and more pulp heroes in Masks, an 8-issue mini series.  That sounds right up my alley and I plan to check it out in trade.


  1. Yes, and lets have more Dynamite Entertainment match ups too! Excellent cover!

  2. Cool cover!
    I saw a few pages of Masks, it looks pretty cool. I've read a couple issues of each of the individual characters; they are awesome on their own. The team-up should be pretty cool. The Cover price has moved me to trade-waiting. There's only maybe one or two books that I'll pick up as a monthly.

    I'll probably pick up the Batman '66 as a monthly. But at $3.99, that'll be the one book for the month.

  3. Good news; D.E. is coming out with MASKS 2 this spring!

  4. Too bad DE and Marvel can't do a Spider/Spidey crossover.

    Maybe Ross can show them the way?*

    *Hint-hint! ;-D
