Saturday, April 6, 2013

Martian Manhunter Vs. The Cookie Monster

When J.M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen took over the reins of Justice League, they gave us a team unlike any league we had seen before.  Humor was served in equal doses with superhero action, and it was a refreshing change from the grim and gritty trend that had been dominating the comics scene at the time.  One little character bit that they added which I really liked was The Martian Manhunter's love of "Choco" cookies.  It was a fun way to inject some humor and personality into a hero that is known to be quiet and stoic.  Not everyone could be the wise crackers that Blue Beetle and Mister Miracle were, after all.


  1. The J.M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen years were the only time i remember religiously buying every single issue of JLA. That was a unique highpoint that was never achieved again, IMO.

  2. Ha!
    Is it Boom! that is doing all the cool kids books like Muppets and Peanuts?

    I think I picked up the first story arc of the '85 Justice League; a few issues here and there, and now I really regret not following every issue. The recent mini series was a nice throwback. I like to read the Formerly Known As The Justice League and the Defenders mini-series back to back.

  3. big bird vs hawkman should be done also snuflleupogus vs lockjaw

  4. bert & ernie hunt down blue beetle & booster gold when ernie & ted mix up their rubber duckies! X)))

  5. Bwah-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha

  6. "Oreos huh? I prefer Hydrox myself." - Aquaman.
