Monday, April 8, 2013

Black Lightning and Storm

Cully Hamner's interpretation of Black Lightning is the best the character has ever looked, in my opinion. I was hoping they would have stayed closer to his design when Jefferson Pierce was reintroduced into the New 52, but that was not meant to be.  Still, with characters like Power Girl and Zatanna returining to more classic outfits, maybe there is hope.  Storm has recently changed back to an old style with the return of the mohawk that she first sported in the 80's.  Her appearance works for me both ways, so it's nice to have a little change of pace for a while.


  1. I wish DC and Tony Isabella would come to some amicable conclusion over Black Lightning. in hindsight, it kind of sucks that Black Lightning was not a Justice League member in the '70's. He should have joined the team right after Green Arrow...when John Stewart was introduced.

    It should be interesting to see how all the cast pieces of X-Men: First Class - Days of Future Past come together. Halle Berry is pregnant, which might complicate her costume as Storm...

  2. This is wonderful! Please, lets see more Milestone characters as well, like Icon and Hardware! Would love to see either of them matched up with Bishop from the X-Men.

  3. Static will make a return appearance.

  4. This is one of the best covers yet. Not only do the two characters work together well, their images do as well, and this is just the kind of story that they'd be involved in if they were to team up.
