Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Secret Sisterhood

This is a group that would be interesting to read about.  Don't be fooled by their beauty, each of these characters are fierce warriors.  They have all learned to respect and adapt to the natural environment around them so I thought they would work well together.  Despite their similarities, they each have distinct personalities that would be interesting to see play off of one another.

If you haven't seen Princess Mononoke by legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki, I highly recommend it.  Actually, I recommend all of his films, his work is amazing - but Princess Mononoke is the closest to a comic book type epic and is really a must-see for any comics fan.


  1. I heartily concur with your description of Mononoke. This is hands down one of your coolest covers to date. (Especially if you're a furry.)

  2. Actually, since so many of these characters are animal-linked, Wolfsbane (originally from New Mutants; I don't know her current whereabouts) would fit in better than Xena.

  3. I only wanted to use one character per company.

  4. Isn't it the first time you use a character from manga or anime? I'm all for more of this, especially of the old school variety (The Big Guy & Rusty meet Gigantor and Astroboy, perhaps?)!

  5. I've used Big Guy and Rusty before, and they will appear again!

  6. Besides Princess Mononoke, I also don't recognize Cheetara.

    Also I'd forgotten that Xena had appeared in comics. It might be interesting, some time in the future, to see how she'd contrast with someone like Jocasta.

  7. Cheetara is from the Thundercats Cartoon.

  8. Ok Ross, I'll take you up on that suggestion for Princess Mononoke on Netflix. I really never got into manga, neither in graphic comic form or animated film, but I do keep giving some a try from time to time. Full Metal Alchemist is about the only one that managed to somewhat perk my interest. Any chance of seeing him, or Cowboy Bebop or others here?

  9. I'm not nearly as well versed in Manga but you never know. I've been trying to get Akira in here somehow.
