Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spider-Man Vs. Two Face

I remember being so excited when I heard that Two-Face was going to be one of the villains in Batman Forever.  He's my favorite Batman villain and he had yet to make the leap to live action or animation at that point.  I was very disappointed with what wound up on screen, a Two-Face that bore very little resemblance to the comic book character.  A laughing, dancing, mugging at the camera Harvey Dent was nothing anyone needed to see.  Don't get me started on the lazy make up job, where they just painted teeth on Tommy Lee Jones' cheek.  Needless to say, I was thrilled with Christopher Nolan's version of the character.  Aaron Eckhart performed the role very well and the effects to create his scarred visage looked great.  My only real complaint was that Two Face's entire career only lasted a couple of hours.  After all the work to set up the character, he should have gotten a little more to do.


  1. The sad thing is that Tommy Lee Jones would have been awesome as Two-Face. Except for the lousy writing, directing, FX, make-up and everything.

  2. That is my main complaint with the Batman & Spiderman films. They have a great stock of villains in the source material that they kill at the end of each movie. Why not build up a rogues gallery?

  3. forbush man and red tornado ma hunkle also have the mascots of mad cracked and sick or crazy magazines meet also nomad and human taget or nemesis

  4. I thought the whole point of Two-Face was that he was a handsome man whose sense of self was shattered when his face was permanently damaged. What was the point of casting Tommy Lee Jones, an actor famous for being pock-marked to start with? Yes, the writing was the real problem, where his obsession with the coin is never really dealt with until the end (at which point non-comics readers must have been confused by his behavior because nothing leading up to that established the depth of his obsession). The plot proposed here is more of a classic Two-Face caper, involving duality and not just stealing two of the same item.

  5. The Incredible Leaking FaucetMarch 9, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    These are some high concepts, Ross. Are you sure you don't want to try your hand at writing for either Marvel or DC? And they DO seem to be offering gigs to just about anybody these days.

  6. They would probably think all my ideas are too old school.

  7. Ross, your last sentence basically sums up the one major flaw of The Dark Knight: too damn long, trying to cram too much into one movie. The better way to take it would have been to end the movie when they catch the Joker and bring him to the MCU, then start the next movie right there, giving us the Joker in a second movie, and MUCH more Two-Face time. Ah well, considering what happened with Ledger, maybe it's for the best, but still, a Hall of Fame would have reached the level of immortality had they done so.

    But...yeah, I can only complain so much. STILL one of the best movies ever. =)

  8. Hall of Fame movie*

  9. Tommy Lee Jones?! You mean, that wasn't Caucasian make-up over the right half of Billy Dee Williams' face, in BATMAN FOREVER?

    Dang! ;-)
