Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Robocop Vs. Spider-Man

I'm not sure what to make of the upcoming Robocop movie reboot.  It has a decent cast, so there's a chance that it could far surpass my expectations, but I still think it is facing an uphill battle.  The original film is still held in high regard and it is going to be tough to get out from under its shadow.  Shots of the new Robocop design reveal quite a departure from the classic look - the imposing, bulky suit has been replaced with a sleek, black and frankly more generic outfit.  I hope to be pleasantly surprised by the final product, but I fear tat my reaction will be similar to when I recently saw the new version of Total Recall  - a film with some technical merit, but lacking the charm of the original, feeling like an unnecessary retread.


  1. Funny, I thought Robocop would be taller. :)

    Seriously though, great great. I think this is a wonderful use of the classic "Spider-Man no more" imagery in a new way.


  2. cyborg and robocop has to be in pipeline by now right ross or borg vs robocop

  3. Far out cover! But what is Peter Parker doing in Detroit?

  4. The answer is only 60 cents away!

  5. Nice cover -- though Robocop's line seems rather... well, un-Robocop-ish. It's a bit more like... hmmm....

    Ya know, this could be tied in to some Robocop/Judge Dredd team-up (or conflict) in the future, possibly with Access on hand to really confuse matters.
