Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Green Arrow Vs. The Rocketeer

When artists like Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane and others took the comic world by storm in the 90's it really changed the landscape.  Ultra-detailed artwork with lots of little sketchy lines and a larger reliance on splash page images was the new popular look and lots of artists were recruited to deliver that style - with widely varying degrees of success.  Even some veteran artists altered their existing styles to conform with the new look.  I am glad to see comics easing out of that phase in the past several years, and mainstream comics are once again presenting a wide range of artistic sensibilities.  You can now find some really great examples of clean, crisp artwork with an economy of line and a sturdy grasp of composition and panel layout. Two of my favorite artists in this category are Chris Samnee and Marcos Martin, whose images I used here. It's great to have modern day illustrators carrying on in the footsteps of legends like Alex Toth and Steve Ditko.

1 comment:

  1. How about Witchfire (Ananym of Alpha Flight) vs. Witchfire (Rebecca Carstairs of Power Company and Suicide Squad)?
