Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Justice League of America And Star Trek

JJ Abrams' rebooted Star Trek was a big hit but met with mixed reaction among hard core Trek fans.  I personally really liked it, I felt the characters remained true and the time travel plot involving the original Spock made it so everything we had seen before the film was not invalidated and indeed still counts. The Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer has been released and it looks like a lot of fun and I am especially looking forward to the villainous performance by Benedict Cumberbatch, who is so great on the BBC's Sherlock. There is one complaint that I have been reading that may have a little merit... from all the footage I have seen, it seems that almost all the action takes place on Earth, rather than in space or on board the Enterprise.  I try not to judge a movie too much by it's trailer, but I hope they haven't left the Trekking out of Star Trek!


  1. The only comics that I've read in the last year were the LSH/STOS crossover and the first few issues of the Star Trek series. Good stuff but a JLA team-up would be much better.
    Agree with you about the movie. Really enjoyed and am anticipating the new one.

  2. Well. if you need help mapping a multiverse, the JLA is your best. Shame DC didn't do this when they had the license!

  3. I hated the new Star Trek. It was just dumbed down crap blowing up in space. And the constant lense flars were nauseating.

  4. tmnt meet adolesent radioactive black belt hamsters also gen 13 and new teen titans or elementals and dnagents gi joe vs aim or hydra

  5. I also DESPISED Jar Jar Abrams DEFILEMENT of Trek; which I call STINO; (Star Trek In Name Only) As you have correctly said, The Bechtloff; it is nothing more than dumbed down drivel for the modern day short attention span crowd! It is The Fast And The Furious with space ships, instead of cars! Mindless pap! But, I'm grateful for great things like this amazing blog work you do here! KUDOS on another GREAT COVER, sir!

  6. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels that way BenJGrimm64. I all Abrams wanted to do was blow things up in space and put lense flares everywhere he should have made a sequel to Battlefield Earth and let the grown ups have Star Trek.

    I wrote a blog post where I talked more about it, and Trek vs Wars if you're interested (Warning: my blog has some harsh language)

  7. Just realized that Flash is missing... Red shirt syndrome??

  8. What a consept using The Justice League to replace the original crew of the Enterprise. I need to see how that worked out.

  9. What a consept using The Justice League to replace the original crew of the Enterprise. I need to see how that worked out.
