Friday, March 15, 2013

Fowl Force

As a lover of crossovers, I am a huge fan of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  The story and blending of animation with live action were cool, but what really got me was seeing Disney and Warner Brothers characters sharing the screen.  My very favorite scene was the piano duet between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck.  It was a blast seeing those two go up against each other, and the animators seemed to really have fun with that sequence.  Those two classic ducks have inspired many more over the years, and it wasn't hard to come up with a suitable line up for this team.


  1. Wasn't there a character called Super Duck? I seem to remember one from old Archie comics.

  2. LOVED IT!
    Wish this was an actual book, but I'll settle for this installment being included whenever you release an anthology collection Ross.
    And do I dare ask what you have planned for St. Patrick's Day (maybe your own "Green Team") and April Fool's Day?

  3. Nothing special for those days, I usually only do theme issues for Christmas. I do have a green type team in the pipeline though...

  4. .......and if you ever considered doing a religious themed supergroup (all jewish, or all muslim, or all buddhist), here is the website for You!! The Internet has everything, I tells ya!

  5. oops:

  6. Might I suggest two or all three of the following teamed up: Abbott & Costello, Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis, and Laurel & Hardy? Perhaps the duo left out could team with the Three Sttoges

  7. @Randy: There were a lot of "Super" anthropomorphics in the Golden age, especially the late 40's to early 50's. I think is the one you remember:

  8. This looks like a LOT of fun.

    But... didn't you say a bit ago that you only want to feature one character per company in an ad hoc team up? Super Donald and Darkwing Duck are both Disney! I cry fowl!

  9. I love this cover. So much fun! :)

    Bob: He could always replace Donald with Count Duckula, thereby adding a mystic element to the team (and an additional company).

    I know Donald and Daffy are a natural pairing, but for me, Darkwing just rocks way more than Super Donald.

    I haven't checked yet, but has there been an all-rabbit cover yet? Off the top of my head, there's Captain Carrot, Bugs Bunny, Jaxxon from Star Wars/Marvel, Ricochet Rabbit, and probably some better ones I'm forgetting.

    Just a thought.


  10. I do like bunnies so that isn't a bad idea! There will be future animal teams coming up...

  11. I agree with Lee, I wish this was an actual book. It'll drive everyone quakers.

  12. @Jay: You mean they'll be conscientious objectors? Or make oatmeal?

  13. I miss Scrooge mcduck :( but that would be 3 from disney. Also, i remember more Duck Dogers from the 24 1/2 Century

  14. Yes there are more duck characters, but this is a team for Superhero ducks exclusively...

    Duck Dodger will get his turn...

  15. I'd include Duckman (90s animated show) in this group, just on his name and self-imagined competence. He would be a great, or at least funny, tactical coordinator for the group. "What the hell are YOU lookin' at??"

  16. I apologize Ross, I forgot about Super Team Family #336:
    Fowl Force. You have a duck-verse right there. My bad.
