Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Firestorm and Nova

I have been following thevelopment on James Gunn's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film and the latest rumor is that Marvel's space cops - the Nova Corps - will be making an appearance.  That would be pretty cool to see, although I'm thinking that they will go with Sam Alexander, the new Nova.  Marvel has been giving him a push lately with his own series and appearances in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.  Still, I'm and old school guy and Richard Rider is the Nova that I grew up with.  I know he's been killed off in the Marvel Universe, but I hold out hope that we will see the original bucket-head return one of these days.


  1. Hey Ross, not sure if you'll see this comment on an old post, but I had a question. I was going through all the old Firestorm covers (love all of them!) and I couldn't identify where this Firestorm image was taken from. Any chance you recall?

    Thanks! Still loving your work and I'm a proud Patreon supporter!!


  2. Shag, cover of Fury of Firestorm #58
