Friday, March 22, 2013

Batman and Puck

I'm not so sure Puck would want this job, given the track record of other Robins.  Still, Batman has had four partners in rapid succession, what's one more?  Puck was always my favorite member of Alpha Flight, mainly because he was so different from the standard super-hero.  I liked his personality as well, Eugene Judd was a guy you always knew would have your back.  He resurfaces with the rest of his team for an Alpha Flight comic relaunch every few years, but nothing seems to stick.  They are great characters though, so I hope a creative team will find a hook with them that strikes a chord with today's readers.


  1. Like you, I'm not so sure Puck would want to sidekick with Batman. But to buddy up every so often to solve a case in common? That I could see. Their fighting styles would mesh in interesting ways, as would their personalities (though that would be "interesting" in a different sense of the word).

    Interestingly, Puck is the only published superhero that I know of with dwarfism. It might be interesting to see how he'd mesh with Tank of the DNAgents, who has many signs of acromegaly (though probably doesn't actually have it, given the nature of his origins). The two characters' personalities would likewise make for an interesting contrast.

  2. id like dreadstar and warlord to meet also quantum and woody with woody and buzz lightyear would be neat also resurrection man and eternal warrior or crimson avenger asked to be an avenger

  3. ...quickly followed by a "The Death of Puck" mini-series.

  4. maybe its because I stopped growing at 5'4, so I was always one of the shorter kids in high school, I always liked the idea of Puck, a short superhero built like a tank. Its probably why I started lifting weights back in high school too. If I wasn't going to be the tallest guy, by golly, I was going to be the toughest! A 4 issue solo miniseries on Puck would fly off the shelves, I think!

  5. Puck was my favorite member of Alpha Flight as well. I really disliked it when they gave him a revised origin claiming that Puck actually was a normal sized man turned into a dwarf by magic. Bah.
