Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Creeper and Spider-Man in: "Creeper Vs. Crawler - Round 2!"

This was the very first pairing that I featured in my Super-Team Family covers, and I wanted to see them together again, this time with more of a Bronze Age feel.  I'm not sure what the status of The Creeper is these days, but he is one of my favorite Ditko creations, so I hope he doesn't stay off of DC's table for too long.  I was excited to see The Creeper's alter ego, Jack Ryder, show up in the excellent Arkham City video game, but alas he did not appear in costume.  Maybe next time!


  1. As Monty Burns would say ... excellent! My only regret is that you couldn't get all Ditko art to make it even more excellent! keep up the good work Ross. This is what should have happened in that Marvel vs. DC crossover.

  2. in an upcomming issue of nightwing its teased we will see the new 52 version of creeper and id like to see him join jla or jl

  3. Ditko would be proud, but only if one of them killed off the other.

    Ha! Not saying which one Stan fans.

  4. Very cool cover! I know the Spidey art is by long-time Spectacular Spider-Man artist Sal Buschema, but who did the Creeper?

  5. The Creeper pic is one of those instances where I found an image with no credits via google search. I'd like to know who the artist is as well!

  6. Like the Creeper himself, his attack stance here is crazy. Looks like he's about to get punched in the sack!

  7. Speaking of the late, great Mr. Ditko...

    Any chance of Daniel Rand meeting Ayn Rand?
