Thursday, January 10, 2013

Transformers and The Iron Giant

Just when I thought Michael Bay had said all he wanted to about Transformers, it seems that he is going to continue the franchise, now to be headed by Mark Wahlberg.  I liked the first film as a big splashy summer pic, but the two sequels seemed overly long and redundant, hampered by juvenile humor.  Still, they made a bajillion bucks so it shouldn't be too surprising that a fourth installment is in the works.  Will Bay finally give us the darker, edgier film he has been promising, or will he stick with the formula that has been raking in the bucks?  I guess we will have to wait to seem some footage to make a judgment.


  1. Nice work, Ross! I think you've had an impact on the industry, since your colleagues over at Comic Alliance have stolen your ideas:

  2. I wouldn't call that stealing, they illustrate their own covers rather than manipulate existing artwork. Besides, I am hardly the first person to mash up comic images!

  3. i saw a deadpool vs karate kid that may be used here for a cover also id like a dc universe vs ultraverse or new universe cover also how bout team of rai ninjack hong kong phooey schang chi iron fist and richard dragon

  4. Very Cool! Brad Bird's Iron Giant will always be a lost gem. Here's my go at an Iron Giant mashup-;postID=1921814108987676811

  5. Hello.

    Any thought of making poster prints of this? I am a BIG fan of both franchises and LOVE mashups like this...

  6. Unfortunately I can't make and sell image featuring my covers due to rights issues.

  7. Where/what was the original PM Optimus Prime from? Do you know who originally drew him?

    Looks really great.
