Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Flash and The Whizzer

I used this pairing as a back-up story on a previous cover, and I wanted to give them their own issue.  I really miss the classic Jay Garrick in the current DCU.  The new young version  the pages of Earth-2 just isn't the same for me.  I liked the elder statesmen role that he provided, along with Ted Grant and Alan Scott.  Plus, he's got a winged helmet, and I like winged helmets!


  1. Who's the bad guy? Looks kind of like the Human Bomb, but I assume it's not.

  2. Looks like Whizzer has had his Chips.

  3. Who did the art on Whizzer? Really solid cover idea and execution.

    And definitely with ya' on missing the old Jay, as well as the old JSA period, especially since i have most of them in figure form with the the DCUC line. Just wish they'd have but wings on Jay's boots.

  4. That's a Rick Leonardi Whizzer.
